Just want to get your feet wet? Check out the codepen demo.
Install via yarn
$ yarn add @wework/ray-core
Install via npm
$ npm install --save @wework/ray-core
Ray requires both CSS and JavaScript files to be imported into your application.
We encourage the use of the Sass source files, as they give access to Ray variables and mixins. If you are using Sass for your project, simply import the Ray SCSS file into your app's main stylesheet:
@import '@wework/ray-core/scss/ray-core';
If you prefer to use plain CSS, you can either use our CDN, or import the Ray CSS file at @wework/ray-core/css/ray-core
In order for certain components to work properly, you must import Ray into your app:
import '@wework/ray-core';
For convenience, Ray will automatically instantiate any components that require JavaScript on DOMContentLoaded
If components are generated after this event (i.e. client-side rendered), or if they require additional programming, you can import individual component classes and use the APIs available on the component level throughout the documentation:
import { Select } from '@wework/ray-core'; // instantiate all instances found in the document Select.createAll(); // manually create a specific instance const select = Select.create(document.querySelector('.ray-select')); // manipulate the component from code select.set('pikachu');
Ray can also be installed via CDN for rapid prototyping.
Resource | URL |
CSS | https://unpkg.com/@wework/ray-core@latest/css/ray-core.min.css |
ES5 | https://unpkg.com/@wework/ray-core@latest/scripts/ray-core.min.js |
<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@wework/ray-core@latest/css/ray-core.min.css" /> </head> <body> <div class="ray-select"> ... </div> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@wework/ray-core@latest/scripts/ray-core.min.js"></script> <script> Ray.Core.Select.create(document.querySelector('.ray-select')); </script> </body> </html>
You will also need to install Ray fonts, which can be done via WeWork's CDN. See instructions in the fonts documentation.
is structured as follows:
. ├── es/ │ ├── index.js │ ├── global/ │ ├── components/ ├── umd/ │ ├── index.js │ ├── global/ │ ├── components/ ├── scripts/ │ ├── ray-core.js │ ├── ray-core.js.map │ ├── ray-core.min.js │ ├── ray-core.min.js.map ├── scss/ │ ├── ray-core.scss │ ├── global/ │ ├── components/ ├── css/ │ ├── ray-core.css │ ├── ray-core.css.map │ ├── ray-core.min.css │ ├── ray-core.min.css.map ├── LICENSE └── README.md
Feeling ambitious? Good, because we’d love your input and contributions to the design system.
- Create an issue or submit a pull request at @wework/ray.
- Join us in the #ray-design-system slack channel. (For WeWork employees)